Mission & Purpose

The Augusta Chiwy Foundation was founded in 2015 and exists to promote selfless service to humanity through education and inspiration. The Foundation achieves its mission by creating inspirational and award-winning documentary films and educational curriculum that exemplify stories of men and women whose lives and actions demonstrate great personal courage, heroic action and service to others.
Our films, along with web-based video and print curricula focus on:
Revealing inspirational examples of personal courage and leadership.
Inspiring cultural harmony through positive individual actions.
Preserving stories of individuals whose actions affected the outcome of historic events.
Major Initiatives
Public Screenings and Lectures
With every film the Foundation creates, a classroom-based curriculum is created so that teachers and students may use the film to help further discussion about the themes and key messages a film intends to communicate. These educational materials are available free-of-charge and are wonderful tools that can create meaningful follow-on experiences after a film has been viewed.
Based on the success of the EMMY award-winning film, “Searching For Augusta”, the Foundation will continue to build on the relationship that it has established with national television broadcasters in the United States, Netflix, Amazon Prime and iTunes to distribute stories of personal courage, self-sacrifice and cultural harmony to audiences worldwide. The Foundation has been able to reach television audiences of over 100 Million viewing households in the United States and over 180 countries worldwide.
Educational Materials
Screenings of each film are organized around the world to create opportunities for people to experience the intellectual and emotional event a film creates. There is also a lecture or a Q&A session offered following the film screening to allow the audience to interact with the filmmakers and even those that are in the film itself if possible. This has created wonderful dialogue and educational opportunities for thousands of people.

Inspiration - Education - Information

Message from the Chairman of the Board
Welcome to the Augusta Chiwy Foundation Website
Warm greetings and a pleasant welcome, on behalf of the Board of Directors, to the official website of the Augusta Chiwy Foundation. Thank you for taking the time to learn more about our Foundation and the worldwide projects that we are developing and presenting to people all around the globe. We trust that you will find your visit on this website meaningful and inspiring. As you walk through the stories and educational areas on these pages, you will be able to learn about the incredible life of Augusta Chiwy and her amazing display of compassion and courage that is an example to all of us of how we can impact the lives of others.
After the worldwide viewing of the Emmy Award Winning film, “Searching for Augusta - The Forgotten Angel of Bastogne,” this Foundation was established. Our research began to uncover that this story was just one of many. There are countless forgotten stories of men, women and children from all walks of life that have had a major impact on people, throughout history through their selfless acts of kindness and compassion. These stories have been shared with students around the world and with families who were personally touched by these heroic actions. Each and every one of these amazing stories needs to be brought to life in film and through education so that generations to come will be able to learn and believe that every person has a voice in history and that the harmony of all cultures is paramount for humanity.
I have personally witnessed the myriad of emotions and gratefulness from organizations, individuals and young children who have seen our films and have stated how it has encouraged them to reach out and make a difference in the world around them. The Foundation has set forth a focus of “Inspiration – Education – Information” in every project that we address. As you learn more about our goals, initiatives and mission, along with the many projects that we are seeking to develop, we invite you to work with us. You can be a vital part of this Foundation's success and ability to allow our films and education to span the world by joining with us through your support and communication to others of the
Augusta Chiwy Foundation.
I thank you for visiting our site and
learning more about us.
If you have any questions about
the Foundation, please contact me at

Steven E. Croft
Chairman of the Board
Augusta Chiwy Foundation

The Logo
The Augusta Chiwy Foundation logo, elegant in its simplicity, was designed by Martin King’s son Ashley. Inspired by the story his father spent years researching and writing, Ashley used hands of different colors to represent the story’s two central characters—Jack Prior and Augusta Chiwy. The hands meet, just as Jack and Augusta did, to form the shape of a heart, a symbol of both their compassion and the relationship they formed during the long days and nights they spent caring for U.S. GIs during the Siege of Bastogne. The irregularity of the images and the intentionally unsophisticated style of the design reflect the turmoil of those dark days in World War II and serve to remind us that Jack and Augusta, despite their courage and devotion to duty, were imperfect people, like all of us, who did extraordinary things when called upon to do so.